Lyrics from Sisqo's Thong Song are actually too obvious. But they are not at all important.
Men, my brothers, random fellas who have found this site I strongly urge you to click on the title above. When you do you will see some beautiful words; Lisa Loeb in a thong! That's right!
I was so pumped about the masses seeing this video I went and figured out how to snag it from ifilm. You should be able now to see this video right from my blog.
Ladies you can check it out too, but I'll understand if you don't.
Mar 2, 2006
I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life.
Yes a Dido lyric from her Eminem sampled hit Thank You. Click the title and see her website where she looks quite fetching.
I know many of you have looked forward to this all week.
Here it is...
Odds are this church is affiliated with the UCC and is not loctaed in Northern Indiana.
At least they are thankful!
And Mom, if you don't get this one, ask Dad!
I know many of you have looked forward to this all week.
Here it is...

At least they are thankful!
And Mom, if you don't get this one, ask Dad!
Mar 1, 2006
Me with my tiny gift, you on your tree.
This link will take you to a song that has very little to do with this post on the surface until you hear my theory that all love songs can speak to a relationship with God. I think then notion that our life begins when we meet Jesus is extremely applicable. And regardless of religious content, this is a beautiful song. Enjoy the video for Bright Eyes' First Day of My Life by clicking the title to this blog.
The song I'm maybe most proud of writing was birthed for Ash Wednesday in 2003. Today is its sort of birthday, although Ash Wednesday wasn't on the first that year. I was trying to come to terms with what a suitable sacrifice was for Lent. (I gave up pop this year, which is what I gave up last year, but I gave up fast food for the calendar year this year so I thought this was permissable.) Anyway, I came to the conclusion that to overcome a little temptation didn't prove my love, but maybe a lifetime of consistently striving to serve Truth would. Here is Lord of the Blood as written three years ago approximately today.
Lord of the Blood
Lyrics By J.D. Rose
Lord in my journey I wonder
Will any sacrifice do?
Some small thing I can give up
To prove my love to you
That shows my willingness to give
On your behalf as you gave all for me
Me with my tiny gift
You on your tree
Lord of the blood, Lord of the cross
Lord of love when all hope was lost
Lord of death when your body was tossed into your grave
But Lord, you came to save
Lord in the days that I’m living
You’re so hard to find
I look up to see where you’re going
I’m so far behind
So I run and I fall on my way to your side
I am weak and I cannot stand
Then you’re lifting me up with that loving smile
And those nail scarred hands
Lord of the blood, Lord of the cross
Lord of love when all hope was lost
Lord of death when your body was tossed into your grave
But Lord, you came to save
Lifetimes have come and gone
Millions have walked the Earth
And saints have carried your message
And many have heard
Lord can I testify of the wonders I’ve seen
Can I be one singing your song
I know you left for Heaven
But you’ve never gone
Lord of the blood, Lord of the cross
Lord of love when all hope was lost
Lord of death when your body was tossed into your grave
But Lord, you came to save
Lord of the blood, Lord of the cross
Lord of love when all hope was lost
Lord of death when your body was tossed into your grave
But Lord, you came to save
A blessed Lenten season to all my mainline Protestant and Catholic brothers and sisters. To everyone else, enjoy the cola while it lasts. I'll be a Coke addict again April 16!
The song I'm maybe most proud of writing was birthed for Ash Wednesday in 2003. Today is its sort of birthday, although Ash Wednesday wasn't on the first that year. I was trying to come to terms with what a suitable sacrifice was for Lent. (I gave up pop this year, which is what I gave up last year, but I gave up fast food for the calendar year this year so I thought this was permissable.) Anyway, I came to the conclusion that to overcome a little temptation didn't prove my love, but maybe a lifetime of consistently striving to serve Truth would. Here is Lord of the Blood as written three years ago approximately today.
Lord of the Blood
Lyrics By J.D. Rose
Lord in my journey I wonder
Will any sacrifice do?
Some small thing I can give up
To prove my love to you
That shows my willingness to give
On your behalf as you gave all for me
Me with my tiny gift
You on your tree
Lord of the blood, Lord of the cross
Lord of love when all hope was lost
Lord of death when your body was tossed into your grave
But Lord, you came to save
Lord in the days that I’m living
You’re so hard to find
I look up to see where you’re going
I’m so far behind
So I run and I fall on my way to your side
I am weak and I cannot stand
Then you’re lifting me up with that loving smile
And those nail scarred hands
Lord of the blood, Lord of the cross
Lord of love when all hope was lost
Lord of death when your body was tossed into your grave
But Lord, you came to save
Lifetimes have come and gone
Millions have walked the Earth
And saints have carried your message
And many have heard
Lord can I testify of the wonders I’ve seen
Can I be one singing your song
I know you left for Heaven
But you’ve never gone
Lord of the blood, Lord of the cross
Lord of love when all hope was lost
Lord of death when your body was tossed into your grave
But Lord, you came to save
Lord of the blood, Lord of the cross
Lord of love when all hope was lost
Lord of death when your body was tossed into your grave
But Lord, you came to save
A blessed Lenten season to all my mainline Protestant and Catholic brothers and sisters. To everyone else, enjoy the cola while it lasts. I'll be a Coke addict again April 16!
Feb 28, 2006
River rose all day. The river rose all night. Some people got lost in the flood. Some people got away alright.
These lyrics are from Louisiana 1927, a song written by Randy Newman about the flood of 1927 in New Orleans. The link here will take you to an NPR interview he gave about the song.
Today is Fat Tuesday, the last night before the Lenten season begins for many Christian faiths. Mardi Gras, which is French for Fat Tuesday, ends tonight and many people will be celebrating on the streets of New Orleans as they have for 150 years. I have never been to Mardi Gras, and short of Snoop Dog's infomercial for Girls Gone Wild and the prevailing connection between beads and nakedness I don't know much about it.
I know that tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and I'll begin my soda fast and attend a service where I am asked to repent of my sins and receive an ashen cross on my forehead. As I think about Mardi Gras, New Orleans, and all that has transpired in the past year, I can't help but think of how many people were affected by the hurricanes in the Gulf Coast this August. If our country is being honest with itself there is much to ask forgiveness for in the wake of these hurricanes, as well as many of its victims who acted on their lesser instincts and resorted to looting and violence that have much to repent for.
But there are also amazing stories of those helping hands and inspiring heroes in the midst of disaster who offered us the example that we can act on our greater instincts as well. Here is a window into the story of Katrina and Rita in New Orleans, a photoblog of the devastation and damage, with glimpses of man's great capacity to lift one another from the ash and mud of the worst the world can offer.
I offer this up as a visual meditation. Feel free to pray, chant, scroll quickly past, weep, respond, send money to a charity on behalf of the victims or ignore these images. I just found them useful in putting my silly problems in persepctive today.

In all Katrina cost $75 billion (costliest storm of all time) and 1,420 lives. it will be years before the area is over the devastation and as of right now it is not safe for most groups to go and work. (I looked into taking my youth there on our mission trip.)
What does this have to do with Fat Tuesday/Ash Wednesday?
It is so easy to look at such tragedy on a large scale and see the worst in humanity. We see how we let each other down, how we saw one another as threats and competitors, and how we sunk to low levels of compassion in the midst of crisis. But this is an extreme oversimplification of what transpired.
We can also see the triumph of the human spirit when we see people lifting each other from the rushing water, jumping in to save one another, sharing food and shelter in the darkest hour. This too is an oversimplification of what happened.
We look at ourselves in much the same way. We see all of our flaws and come down so hard on ourselves sometimes that no one could be motivated to respond. Or we see ourselves in the light of our surroundings and think we're not that bad.
The service of Ash Wednesday is one of coming to terms with our shortcomings and then casting them off. We place a cross on ourselves to signify that we belong to Christ. Our problems do to.
If Jesus isn't your thing, then I suggest you dig a whole and write all your flaws and failures down and bury them. Or burn them. Somehow come to terms with them and then let them go. Perhaps Fat Tusday is on the wrong end of Lent. We should celebrate after we've overcome our lesser moments.
I believe New orleans will rise again in my lifetime. Why? Because it is a city of people, and though we are imperfect creatures capable of such malice and wrong, we are also capable of such beauty and love, nothing can destroy us.

"O afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted,
I will build you with stones of turquoise,
your foundations with sapphires
I will make your battlements of rubies,
your gates of sparkling jewels,
and all your walls of precious stones.
All your sons will be taught by the LORD,
and great will be your children's peace." Isaiah 54:11-13
Today is Fat Tuesday, the last night before the Lenten season begins for many Christian faiths. Mardi Gras, which is French for Fat Tuesday, ends tonight and many people will be celebrating on the streets of New Orleans as they have for 150 years. I have never been to Mardi Gras, and short of Snoop Dog's infomercial for Girls Gone Wild and the prevailing connection between beads and nakedness I don't know much about it.
I know that tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and I'll begin my soda fast and attend a service where I am asked to repent of my sins and receive an ashen cross on my forehead. As I think about Mardi Gras, New Orleans, and all that has transpired in the past year, I can't help but think of how many people were affected by the hurricanes in the Gulf Coast this August. If our country is being honest with itself there is much to ask forgiveness for in the wake of these hurricanes, as well as many of its victims who acted on their lesser instincts and resorted to looting and violence that have much to repent for.
But there are also amazing stories of those helping hands and inspiring heroes in the midst of disaster who offered us the example that we can act on our greater instincts as well. Here is a window into the story of Katrina and Rita in New Orleans, a photoblog of the devastation and damage, with glimpses of man's great capacity to lift one another from the ash and mud of the worst the world can offer.
I offer this up as a visual meditation. Feel free to pray, chant, scroll quickly past, weep, respond, send money to a charity on behalf of the victims or ignore these images. I just found them useful in putting my silly problems in persepctive today.

In all Katrina cost $75 billion (costliest storm of all time) and 1,420 lives. it will be years before the area is over the devastation and as of right now it is not safe for most groups to go and work. (I looked into taking my youth there on our mission trip.)
What does this have to do with Fat Tuesday/Ash Wednesday?
It is so easy to look at such tragedy on a large scale and see the worst in humanity. We see how we let each other down, how we saw one another as threats and competitors, and how we sunk to low levels of compassion in the midst of crisis. But this is an extreme oversimplification of what transpired.
We can also see the triumph of the human spirit when we see people lifting each other from the rushing water, jumping in to save one another, sharing food and shelter in the darkest hour. This too is an oversimplification of what happened.
We look at ourselves in much the same way. We see all of our flaws and come down so hard on ourselves sometimes that no one could be motivated to respond. Or we see ourselves in the light of our surroundings and think we're not that bad.
The service of Ash Wednesday is one of coming to terms with our shortcomings and then casting them off. We place a cross on ourselves to signify that we belong to Christ. Our problems do to.
If Jesus isn't your thing, then I suggest you dig a whole and write all your flaws and failures down and bury them. Or burn them. Somehow come to terms with them and then let them go. Perhaps Fat Tusday is on the wrong end of Lent. We should celebrate after we've overcome our lesser moments.
I believe New orleans will rise again in my lifetime. Why? Because it is a city of people, and though we are imperfect creatures capable of such malice and wrong, we are also capable of such beauty and love, nothing can destroy us.

"O afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted,
I will build you with stones of turquoise,
your foundations with sapphires
I will make your battlements of rubies,
your gates of sparkling jewels,
and all your walls of precious stones.
All your sons will be taught by the LORD,
and great will be your children's peace." Isaiah 54:11-13
Feb 26, 2006
All these questions I can't answer, and so much work to do. But when I get where I'm goin'...
This is a lyric from a delightful, if not groundbreaking, country song that the extremely underrated Brad Paisley sings with the help of the legendary, if not fully appreciated for her greatness, Dolly Parton titled When I Get Where I'm Goin'. Clicking the title will take you to Brad's video page at Yahoo Music. Check that video out and then to cheer up watch Brad's video for his other great, but not entirely groundbreaking, song Alcohol!
I am pretty tired, but wantd to post something. I came across this in a file and barely remembered writing it. I think I wrote this for a retirement party in 2002, then decided that it might depress everyone. Come to think of it, this isn't very original either. Well, it's been collecting dust inside my computer waiting for its debut here. I hope you all had great weekends. Enjoy!
Moon Dancing
By J.D. Rose
When this is all over
When the sun sets that last day
And the bells ring out from churches I have known
When the wind blows across the land I have trod
And the dust settles on the roads I've traveled down
I will rest I guess, but rather rise to run
I will dance on the moon and circle the sun
Will I weep I wonder when this journey is done
Or will I weep because the pain is gone
When this is all over
When my glasses needn’t be used
And the hairs on my head return
in full force to me
When I can stand without wobbling
But needn’t stand because like a winged bird
I may fly through eternity
I’ll need no rest, I’ll be blessed and rise to run
I will dance on the moon and circle the sun
I will see the completeness of the journey I was on
And know fully I was right to believe all along
When this is all over
Will you be waiting father, mother, brother,
sister, daughter, son
On that day in Heaven I’ve been waiting for
When we arrive simultaneously as forever is begun
And once I'm home I’ll laugh my laugh as I rise to run
I will dance on the moon and circle the sun
Perhaps God will thank me for the hearts for him I’ve won
And I’ll break down and praise him, in my life his will was done
When this is all over
Proof at last will triumph over doubt
And I’ll rejoice that my day to hurry home had come
Proud of every moment I’d lived to that now
That was used to share love or gain wisdom
When I leave, you know right then I’ll rise to run
I will dance on the moon and circle the sun
Watching you from loftier heights
I’ll still be there for your embrace
But my love will make it to you in new ways
When this is all over
I’ll be ready to be done
And I’ll be waiting after moon dancing,
just around the sun
I am pretty tired, but wantd to post something. I came across this in a file and barely remembered writing it. I think I wrote this for a retirement party in 2002, then decided that it might depress everyone. Come to think of it, this isn't very original either. Well, it's been collecting dust inside my computer waiting for its debut here. I hope you all had great weekends. Enjoy!
Moon Dancing
By J.D. Rose
When this is all over
When the sun sets that last day
And the bells ring out from churches I have known
When the wind blows across the land I have trod
And the dust settles on the roads I've traveled down
I will rest I guess, but rather rise to run
I will dance on the moon and circle the sun
Will I weep I wonder when this journey is done
Or will I weep because the pain is gone
When this is all over
When my glasses needn’t be used
And the hairs on my head return
in full force to me
When I can stand without wobbling
But needn’t stand because like a winged bird
I may fly through eternity
I’ll need no rest, I’ll be blessed and rise to run
I will dance on the moon and circle the sun
I will see the completeness of the journey I was on
And know fully I was right to believe all along
When this is all over
Will you be waiting father, mother, brother,
sister, daughter, son
On that day in Heaven I’ve been waiting for
When we arrive simultaneously as forever is begun
And once I'm home I’ll laugh my laugh as I rise to run
I will dance on the moon and circle the sun
Perhaps God will thank me for the hearts for him I’ve won
And I’ll break down and praise him, in my life his will was done
When this is all over
Proof at last will triumph over doubt
And I’ll rejoice that my day to hurry home had come
Proud of every moment I’d lived to that now
That was used to share love or gain wisdom
When I leave, you know right then I’ll rise to run
I will dance on the moon and circle the sun
Watching you from loftier heights
I’ll still be there for your embrace
But my love will make it to you in new ways
When this is all over
I’ll be ready to be done
And I’ll be waiting after moon dancing,
just around the sun
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