I'm going to Indy tonight to see a great band that no one's ever heard of called The Samples. They wrote a song called Indiana that is quoted in today's title and one of the few songs my sister and I both like. Since I'll be driving through Indiana tonight this song seemed appropriate. Click the title to go to their website and look for me there on their front row cam in coming days!
I'll be out of town tonight, so here's what would be your Friday post.
Let's talk for a few seconds about my favorite radio station in the world.
Keeping in mind I've always lived in Indana, only traveled to about 15 states, and only spent twelve days out of the country. I'm posting a permanent link on my blog to 92.3 WTTS out of Bloomington. They were the station I listened to in high school when I needed a break from Hank Williams and Snoop Dogg (the two extremes of my peers). They play a lot of classic stuff, singer/songwriter stuff, and have some great features like the Cage Match each night at 7:30 or so.
Now they stream live and have a new music channel for VIP's and becoming one is free.
I listen to them a lot when I'm trying to put together the camp CD. They seem to be ahead of the spoonfed stations when picking hits. 92.3 WTTS is where I first heard Blues Traveler, Dave Matthews Band, Jack Johnson, Marc Broussard, and KT Tunstall. Who by the way I'm going to see in concert in March.
If you want a window into the music that motivates me, because I'm sorry Kasey it's not Panic! At The Disco check out WTTS. And if you've got a favorite radio station post it here or email me and I'll link it. In a world of XM, iPod, streaming music, and commercial free satelite radio I for one will take this little rock station in Bloomington!
My favorite music quotes:
“Music is the soul of this generation”-J. Clinton McCann (Professor at Eden Seminary and Author of Face the Music)
“When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.” -Henry David Thoureau
"Cause you’re killers, you’re the demons and you know that! Your music, rock n’roll is Satanic music! If you make the music go back you hear Satan speaking!" -Unknown preacher, sample by Faith No More and Midfield
"Music will be here now."-John Lennon
"Oh, how one wishes sometimes to escape from the meaningless dullness of human eloquence, from all those sublime phrases, to take refuge in nature, apparently so inarticulate, or in the wilderness of long grinding labor, of sound sleep, of true music, or of human understanding, rendered speechless by emotion!"-Dr. Zhivago
It is good to praise the Lord
And make music to your name, O Most High,
To proclaim your love in the morning
And your faithfulness at night
To the music of ten-stringed lyre
And the melody of the harp
For you make me glad by your deeds O Lord
I sing for joy at the works of your hands
How great your works O Lord, how profound your thoughts
The senseless man does not know, fools do not understand
That though the wicked spring up like grass and the evildoers flourish
They will be forever destroyed
But you, O Lord, are exalted forever
Psalm 92:1-8
“The trouble with real life is that there is no danger music.”-The Cable Guy
“Conflict is simple. You have to face the music or stop dancing.”-Unknown
“It happens so suddenly. We are going about our own mundane tasks when-a phrase of music, a shaft of sunlight on a snowy roof, a handful of yellow butterflies, or the arc of a bird diving to the earth, pierces us. For one brief moment we are lifted out of our daily routine into the untold realms of light and beauty. Then the moment is gone. We are back on Earth-but we are not the same.”-Unkown
“Those who dance are considered insane by those who can’t hear the music.”-George Carlin
And to quote Neil Young my friends and bid you a fine weekend...
Keep on rocking in the free world!
Jan 27, 2006
Jan 26, 2006
Looking through some photographs I found inside a drawer I was taken by a photograph of you.
The title here is a great lyric from a great songwriter I've just discovered though he's been around a while. Check out Jackson Browne's website and listen to some of his music. This line is the opening line from Fountain Of Sorrow. A great version can be heard on his new Solo and Acoustic album.
I literally was looking through some photographs I found in my desk drawer and then spent a couple hours fighting tonight with how to incorporate photos on my blog. My buddy Chase has always had pictures and I've been simultaneously envious and lazy as to how he did it. So in some posts, and I'll try not to go overboard, I'll include a photograph if I can. I think I have this thing figured out. There should be a (kind of) picture of me above my name to the right.
I like to grab a camera, hold it a few feet above my head and take my own picture. Really there are very few other kinds of pictures of me that I enjoy.
At church camp, any stray camera I find gets a self taken portrait of me included on it. I change my look sometimes and take multiple angles and expressions. I'd like to think that a lot of kids get home and wonder why the hell they have my picture and in some cases who the hell I am. Maybe this summer I should sneak into other weeks of camp and get photgraphed this way. That would be hysterical. What I've always wanted to do is photoshop myself into camp scenes I didn't attend and manage to be on every page of the camp brochure!
Here's one that I was 'taken by', in fact a photograph taken by me as well...

I hope everyone has a truly happy Thursday!
I literally was looking through some photographs I found in my desk drawer and then spent a couple hours fighting tonight with how to incorporate photos on my blog. My buddy Chase has always had pictures and I've been simultaneously envious and lazy as to how he did it. So in some posts, and I'll try not to go overboard, I'll include a photograph if I can. I think I have this thing figured out. There should be a (kind of) picture of me above my name to the right.
I like to grab a camera, hold it a few feet above my head and take my own picture. Really there are very few other kinds of pictures of me that I enjoy.
At church camp, any stray camera I find gets a self taken portrait of me included on it. I change my look sometimes and take multiple angles and expressions. I'd like to think that a lot of kids get home and wonder why the hell they have my picture and in some cases who the hell I am. Maybe this summer I should sneak into other weeks of camp and get photgraphed this way. That would be hysterical. What I've always wanted to do is photoshop myself into camp scenes I didn't attend and manage to be on every page of the camp brochure!
Here's one that I was 'taken by', in fact a photograph taken by me as well...

I hope everyone has a truly happy Thursday!
Jan 25, 2006
I've been a wild rover for many a year and I spent all my money on whiskey and beer.
The title/lyric comes from a traditional Irish drinking song called Wild Rover, covered by the Pubcrawlers if you click on this link.
The grandkids of two Irish men had a conversation about drinking tonight. One was 16 and expressing her quite right views that no one too young should drink, but struggled to communicate it. The other, me, being a bit truer to our heritage in my life and trying to serve the opening of this girl's mind playing the devil's advocate (which is my favorite tactic) suggested that drinking itself wasn't inherently bad, but rather the choices people made while drinking. This suggestion didn't satisfy her nor make my point, or hers for that matter, any clearer.
We stopped the conversation when my dad called from Florida, beer in hand by a pool to brag about the weather.
And then I found this report on Yahoo News.
Hiccups Lead to Two Deaths
Wed Jan 25, 9:44 AM ET
BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters) - A Colombian man accidentally shot his nephew to death while trying to cure his hiccups by pointing a revolver at him to scare him, police in the Caribbean port city of Barranquilla said on Tuesday.
After shooting 21-year-old university student David Galvan in the neck, his uncle, Rafael Vargas, 35, was so distraught he turned the gun on himself and committed suicide, police said.
The incident took place on Sunday night while the two were having drinks with neighbors.
Galvan started to hiccup and Vargas, who works as a security guard, said he would use the home remedy for hiccups of scaring him. He pulled out his gun, pointed it at Galvan and it accidentally went off, witnesses told local television.
"They were drinking but they were aware of what was going on," one witness said.
I'm not sure whose argument this supports-that alcohol is bad or that people make bad decisions while drinking. But we should at least all be able to agree that drinking with your buddy who likes to point his pistol at your head is always a poor choice.
The grandkids of two Irish men had a conversation about drinking tonight. One was 16 and expressing her quite right views that no one too young should drink, but struggled to communicate it. The other, me, being a bit truer to our heritage in my life and trying to serve the opening of this girl's mind playing the devil's advocate (which is my favorite tactic) suggested that drinking itself wasn't inherently bad, but rather the choices people made while drinking. This suggestion didn't satisfy her nor make my point, or hers for that matter, any clearer.
We stopped the conversation when my dad called from Florida, beer in hand by a pool to brag about the weather.
And then I found this report on Yahoo News.
Hiccups Lead to Two Deaths
Wed Jan 25, 9:44 AM ET
BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters) - A Colombian man accidentally shot his nephew to death while trying to cure his hiccups by pointing a revolver at him to scare him, police in the Caribbean port city of Barranquilla said on Tuesday.
After shooting 21-year-old university student David Galvan in the neck, his uncle, Rafael Vargas, 35, was so distraught he turned the gun on himself and committed suicide, police said.
The incident took place on Sunday night while the two were having drinks with neighbors.
Galvan started to hiccup and Vargas, who works as a security guard, said he would use the home remedy for hiccups of scaring him. He pulled out his gun, pointed it at Galvan and it accidentally went off, witnesses told local television.
"They were drinking but they were aware of what was going on," one witness said.
I'm not sure whose argument this supports-that alcohol is bad or that people make bad decisions while drinking. But we should at least all be able to agree that drinking with your buddy who likes to point his pistol at your head is always a poor choice.
Jan 24, 2006
You've gotta gamble everything for love.
The title today comes form a lyric by Ben Lee from the song Gamble Everything For Love, sure to be a 2006 camp song. Click the title to visit his website.
Love. I suppose more than any other word, more than any other concept, that I hold in high regard I have the most to learn still about love. I had a couple hour conversation with one of my favorite youth Sunday night. She has kind of disappeared the last few months and so we finally got to talk. She expressed that she knew she was pushing people away. She was scared of being hurt and losing people she loved. I reminded her of this quote.
To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket — safe, dark, motionless, airless — it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. The alternative to tragedy, or at least to the risk of tragedy, is damnation. The only place outside of Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbations of love is Hell.
C.S. Lewis in The Four Loves
Yestreday wasn't a very good day for me emotionally. I was irritable and distracted. I attended a meeting with people whose opinion I don't really value and heard some discouraging news from two or three people I care about-seems life is hard for everybody these days.
Have you ever seen the movie As Good As It Gets? It stars Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt, and Greg Kinnear as a man with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, a woman with a sick son and a longing to be loved, and a gay man with estranged parents respectively. They are traveling together in a car to meet the gay man's parents (he's been hospitalized and has considerable medical bills) and he's sharing his story with them, much to the woman's interest and Jack's characters annoyance. She says that they should listen because they all have these horrible stories and he quips, "That's not true. Some of us have great stories, with friends at the lake, and noodle salad. That's our story-great times, noodles salad. Just nobody in this car. What makes it bad is not that you have it so bad, but that you're so pissed that some people have it so good."
I don't know if that's true, if some people have lives unjaded by living. I think I probably would be pissed if I knew any of them. I can't change how my life has unfolded or the lives of anyone else. So I'm left trying to learn as much as I can from my own experiences and the accumulated wisdom of others.
In light of the profound wisdom of Mr. Lewis and the common sensical truth of Mr. Nocholson I offer this affirmation to you, to the kid afraid to love, to me on my darker days:
I would rather be a crazy man who loves with reckless abandon, wounded and broken at times but still longing, than be a sane and scarless man alone at the end of the day. (This line I've heard somewhere) Love is the only sane act.
And so in that spirit I approach these days with a new sense of commitment. There are calls I need to make to people I love that are hurting, at least one hospital visit I need to make, and several emails I want to return to people I've missed in recent weeks. It is a slow climb out of darkness. But at the top of this heap awaits a renewed sens of hope and the fulfillment of all that I have come to believe:
Love. I suppose more than any other word, more than any other concept, that I hold in high regard I have the most to learn still about love. I had a couple hour conversation with one of my favorite youth Sunday night. She has kind of disappeared the last few months and so we finally got to talk. She expressed that she knew she was pushing people away. She was scared of being hurt and losing people she loved. I reminded her of this quote.
To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket — safe, dark, motionless, airless — it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. The alternative to tragedy, or at least to the risk of tragedy, is damnation. The only place outside of Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbations of love is Hell.
C.S. Lewis in The Four Loves
Yestreday wasn't a very good day for me emotionally. I was irritable and distracted. I attended a meeting with people whose opinion I don't really value and heard some discouraging news from two or three people I care about-seems life is hard for everybody these days.
Have you ever seen the movie As Good As It Gets? It stars Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt, and Greg Kinnear as a man with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, a woman with a sick son and a longing to be loved, and a gay man with estranged parents respectively. They are traveling together in a car to meet the gay man's parents (he's been hospitalized and has considerable medical bills) and he's sharing his story with them, much to the woman's interest and Jack's characters annoyance. She says that they should listen because they all have these horrible stories and he quips, "That's not true. Some of us have great stories, with friends at the lake, and noodle salad. That's our story-great times, noodles salad. Just nobody in this car. What makes it bad is not that you have it so bad, but that you're so pissed that some people have it so good."
I don't know if that's true, if some people have lives unjaded by living. I think I probably would be pissed if I knew any of them. I can't change how my life has unfolded or the lives of anyone else. So I'm left trying to learn as much as I can from my own experiences and the accumulated wisdom of others.
In light of the profound wisdom of Mr. Lewis and the common sensical truth of Mr. Nocholson I offer this affirmation to you, to the kid afraid to love, to me on my darker days:
I would rather be a crazy man who loves with reckless abandon, wounded and broken at times but still longing, than be a sane and scarless man alone at the end of the day. (This line I've heard somewhere) Love is the only sane act.
And so in that spirit I approach these days with a new sense of commitment. There are calls I need to make to people I love that are hurting, at least one hospital visit I need to make, and several emails I want to return to people I've missed in recent weeks. It is a slow climb out of darkness. But at the top of this heap awaits a renewed sens of hope and the fulfillment of all that I have come to believe:
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