I literally was looking through some photographs I found in my desk drawer and then spent a couple hours fighting tonight with how to incorporate photos on my blog. My buddy Chase has always had pictures and I've been simultaneously envious and lazy as to how he did it. So in some posts, and I'll try not to go overboard, I'll include a photograph if I can. I think I have this thing figured out. There should be a (kind of) picture of me above my name to the right.
I like to grab a camera, hold it a few feet above my head and take my own picture. Really there are very few other kinds of pictures of me that I enjoy.
At church camp, any stray camera I find gets a self taken portrait of me included on it. I change my look sometimes and take multiple angles and expressions. I'd like to think that a lot of kids get home and wonder why the hell they have my picture and in some cases who the hell I am. Maybe this summer I should sneak into other weeks of camp and get photgraphed this way. That would be hysterical. What I've always wanted to do is photoshop myself into camp scenes I didn't attend and manage to be on every page of the camp brochure!
Here's one that I was 'taken by', in fact a photograph taken by me as well...

I hope everyone has a truly happy Thursday!
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