I present Miss Lisa Loeb

I can see how I will be abusing this picture thing.
Today's title is a Lisa Loeb lyric from a song called Falling in Love that I have never heard.
Hello all. I have been up all night (again). I was blessed with inspiration and just as I faded WTTS interviewed Lisa Loeb!
Some of you may remember a major incident in my life with sweet Lisa. If not I refer you to my blogpost titled This is not that. I think that I'm throwing, but I'm thrown. Damn that's a long title.
Anyway, it turns out Lisa is single and looking for a mate, and because she's famous and hasn't had a hit since 1993 she is having a crew film her while she searches for a sutiable beau. I was so excited that I rushed to the website and decided I'd share my thoughts while reading the official announcement with you here. The bold is from the announcement. The italics are my thoughts. That should be self-explanatory.
Single Singer Seeking: Find Out if You're a Love Match for Lisa
Texas girl (minus big hair). Petite build, brown hair, hazel eyes.
Cute Glasses! Soft Skin!
Singer-songwriter. Nice!
I listen to Zeppelin but don't sound like them. Not at all.
I love to cook and eat excellent,
go to restaurants, let's go together
grocery shop, call me after
read, I can read.
travel I can travel.
and hike. I can take pictures of you hiking!
I enjoy Chinese food doesn't matter where it's made,
good conversation I'm good while we eat or after
and long walks on the beach (ha, ha!).
Seek intelligent check
city guy (NYC or L.A.) small glitch
between 30-45. Will you be asking for identification?
Must be smart, check
funny, check
sensitive check
>(not wimpy), not sure
adventurous and family oriented. Double check!
Preferably Jewish. How Jewish?
No diets, No problem!
no fake hair. No hair at all!
Healthy and active a plus. How big a plus?
Must love cats. Mmmmmm...alright you got me! Can I just touch your hand again?
I guess it wasn't meant to be. I'm off to captialize on this new energy!
*gag* - judith
Hahaha...this is an awesome post. Lisa looks hot in that picture too...like a sexy relic! (Denny Plug)
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