For a long time in the UCC I have felt like the guy on the Titanic who sees the iceberg coming and tells the captain to turn around. But he's too busy schmoozing the guests to sail the ship and they won't let me steer because I'm not yet a captain.
Monday after having a conversation with an idiot I came to consistory which can often feel like a collection of them. Consistory is the group of twenty some people who are charged with running the church and often they are as visionless and shortsighted as the idiot I spoke to on Monday has consistently been.
We had a conversation afterward about worship and it occured to me that is probably where I feel the UCC and most mainline Protestant churches are lagging far behind most of our counterparts. There's a UCC poster that asserts how forward thinking we are. I thought about how our worship fits into that and offer this addition to said poster.

-------------BUT OUR WORSHIP IS PRETTY DAMN CLOSE-------------
I believe ritual is important. I think symbolism has its place and I think if explained is sometimes beautiful. However, too often traditional liturgical worship is nothing more than a form to fill in the blanks of instead of a concious attempt to motivate and inspire people. Having attended 0 days of seminary, and perhaps that number will stay that way, I can only imagine what crap is taught about the structure of worship and the historical reasons behind mainline Protestant liturgy. But simply put, in the modern world all that responsive reading and formal hooha distracts people from any sincere and meaningful connection to their own spirit.
I taught a workshop on worship a couple years ago, focused on youth and young adults. Here are some snippets of that information.
What is worship to youth/young adults?
Flexible-Creative-Inspiring-Experimental-Personal-Evolving-Innovative-and Subject to Change
Hmmmm, your church any of this?
Some Characteristics Youth/Young Adults are looking for:
-concept of faith as a journey
-renewed exploration of creativity
-less rigid or hierarchical leadership styles
-holistic understanding of worship-our lives as worship
-affirmation of personal identity
-emphasis on relationships and community
-a care for the environment and exploration of our place in creation
-risks taken, unusual things tried
-congregational involvement-interaction encouraged
-embrace of uncertainty
-focus on contemplation and meditation
-sense of mystery and wonder
-emphasis on small local groups not big events
-cultural relevance, not just technology for its own sake
-use of symbolism that connects with people at different levels
-combination of ancient and contemporary
-commitment to change not self-preservation
-use elements that both sides of the brain respond to
-experiential and intellectual
Original version compiled by Kevin & Brian Dauper
Now, any of you that come from a mainline background HAVE to say honestly that our worship looks almost or entirely nothing like these characteristics.
Worship is to feel in your heart of hearts and express in some appropriate manner a humbling but delightful sense of admiring awe and astonished wonder and overpowering love in the presence of most ancient Mystery, that Majesty which philosophers call the First Cause, but which we call Our Father Which Are in Heaven.
A.W. Tozer
I am pissed at the church right now. Especially the idiots I have found in it at every turn. If I am going to pursue ministry after Bluffton I will have to do a lot of things differently, especially worship. So in this blogspot from time to time I will be airing out some thoughts and ideas about what worship should look like for my generation. I always welcome youor comments and thoughts.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:1-2
A sinking ship? A fading star? They may neither be a fair description of the mainline Protestant church, but they may not be that far off either. I need to be ready to sail my ship the way I feel called to go.
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