This weekend took me to Kingwood, Texas just outside of Houston to visit a Disciples of Christ Church there in need of a Youth Minister. I know, some of you thought I was getting out of this racket and headed into the secular universe that I identify so much with, but the last few months I have been refreshed and recommited to my calling and so I was led to KCC. By the way, isn't Disciples of Christ the coolest name for a church? Just, on the nose and explanatory!
I know some of the resourceful people in Kingwood found this blog and I weclome them with open arms and only a small hint of caution; this is my intensely personal private journal. I started this journal to express myself and get feedback from folks I trusted and stoppers by. The things I discuss here and share with those here are my inner, often still developing thoughts. Some stuff I write here is not church appropriate and I know the difference, but I need as an indiviual a place to hash out living and truly expose those multiple sides of my being. Not all of those sides do I lean most strongly on in my ministry, but they all come along for the ride. It is important to me that I am an open book in both life and ministry, so welcome. I am glad you are here. I hope you join in on the discussion and enjoy seeing a few layers deeper into who I am.
A friend of mine just recently went to a church for a weekend visit/interview for the Youth Minister's position. He was put up in a nice hotel, given a rental car to drive around, and wined and dined. Upon hearing my schedule for my upcoming visit he commented that it sounded more like SURVIVOR: YOUTH DIRECTOR.
Let me share with you my itinerary for this weekend:
Schedule for J.D.’s visit

11 a.m. Renee (Pastor) picks up J.D. at IAH
12:30 p.m. Lunch at Humble City Café with Renee, John Thames (pastoral support chair) and Nichelle Baird (senior, Search Committee)
Friday afternoon fun with Renee and Nichelle
5:30-7:30 p.m.—Pizza party at the church with Chi Rho (middle school) youth and parents
8:00-9:00 p.m. KCC Men’s Softball (J.D. is invited/encouraged to play!)
7:00 a.m. Carpool with KCC volunteers to Houston Habitat site (Katrina
2:00-6:00 p.m. CYF (high school) guided tour of Kingwood
6:00 p.m. Burgers at Thames home for CYF youth and parents
9:30 a.m. Sunday School with Chi Rho/CYF (Ultimate Frisbee game)
10:45 a.m. Sunday morning worship
12 noon “Picnic Sunday” monthly all-church luncheon
hosted by KCC elders
Sunday afternoon—open (Sabbath time!)
5:00 p.m. Visit with Richard and Linda Goddard (KCC members and
founders, CLER Ministries, see
6:00 p.m. Dinner at Skeeters with Search Committee
8:00 a.m. Breakfast with KCC Staff at IHOP
9:15 a.m. J.D. to IAH for return flight
Every where I went was like another interview. I was asked questions at each stop and felt I had to be 'on' all the time. I stayed each night at a different home. I was only nervous about the softball game. I went 1 for 2, scored a run, played right field, and we won! I am tired today, not physically really, just mentally. It was an intense weekend.
To be honest, while wining and dining is nice, this was the perfect format for me. I was able to meet lots of people in various settings and spend some time really getting a feel for who these people are. Conversely they had many opportunities to see who I am in multiple settings.
So how did it go?
On the plane when I had the first break from thinking about youth ministry at KCC all I could do was think about youth minsitry at KCC.
I was extremely impressed by their pastor, their youth, and their membership. They seem to be a church with its priorities straight. There is such potential at this church for growth of an already strong program and the challenges seem to fit my strengths. They need relational visionary youth leadership. Sound like anyone we know?
I have not been offered the job and so I'll save my ideas and impressions for a later date, hoping they are the beginning workings of my new call and not just the first and last impressions of a pleasant weekend. I have eight notepad pages full of them. But let me say that I have seen at least one place where I could go and serve God's people, continue to grow my own faith, and truly lead youth and young adults into deeper discipleship. Pretty amazing considering four months ago I didn't even want to come to church any more.
Can I really be considering a move to Texas?

“Each man has his own vocation; his talent is his call. There is one direction in which all space is open to him.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
it seems really cool, JD.
I wish you the best of luck in whatever choice you make.
However, you must promise to not forget us, and if you go to Texas, when I come down there for the SXSW festival next year, I fully expect to see you at least once.
This is a really exciting time for you, I know, and its gotta be scary.
I can't offer much help in the advice category, but if you need anyone to talk to, ever, I'm always around.
Sounds to me like the seratonin has kicked in and your on your way back dude. Creative people almost always have big ups and downs, highs and lows.
Enjoy the ride!!!
You know I am jealous and pea green with envy of the next group of youth and congregation who connects with you. You are the best, and don't you forget it.
When I am faced with a tough decision in life or simply want to know more about what is headed my way, I sweat to the 70's. Get yourself a copy, or I can send you one, but I can't guarantee Richard Simmons' muscles will be as shiny or defined as they would in a real copy. In all seriousness, you know I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do, just follow your heart...and if your heart goes the wrong way, rip it out. Little axiom my dad taught me. Take care bud!
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