May 12, 2006

Ain't it good to know that you've got a friend?

This is the line in James Taylor's classic You've Got A Friend that kept running through my head today. You'll see why. I am certain James Taylor will be quoted again so there's no link for him today. Instead, I linked another video I thought was kind of funny. Click the title to see it.

I didn't want to do it. I still don't, but I realized it could be a very useful tool in ministry believe it or not, and if the predators and bad guys were gonna be there, than there needed to be some good guys too.

So today I put up a myspace profile.

It'll be permanentaly linked to the right, although I will be posting nothing there of significance, just using it to communicate with kids and friends. There was a video I saw a couple weeks ago called The Kids of Myspace and it showed kids smoking weed, drinking alcohol, and slutting it up on their profiles. It was a pretty scary thing to realize these were mostly teenagers and they were doing this all on a free website. Even scarier is that many of them bare their souls online as well.

Parents plugged in and aware should make sure all the safety measures are put in place, some features allow you to only view the profile if you're invited. But even that will require some attention. Anyway, I still think it's a pretty superficial site that probably won't affect this one at all, but needed you to know why there's an extra link now.

Here's an hysterical song explaining myspace to those in the dark.

I also linked permanently the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomonational website since (although it's still not official) it appears I will be working for them.

I hope I get to communicate in new ways with kids and again with kids I've lost touch with on myspace. Or it shuts down for all of our sakes!!!

1 comment:

John Weiss said...

Now That was totally kewl..

Good Job Guys..

Very Impressive