Jul 7, 2006

Come let us talk of these things

This title/lyric is from one of my songs, we lazily called Communion Song because it's about communion! Kind of captures the spirit of what this link takes you to.

I'm not cheating on Exposing My Thorns, but you are all welcome to visit http:www.TRItoCOMMIT.blogspot.com. This is the brand new blogspot where my camp will be hanging out and hashing out what we discussed this year. I'm linking it ot the right or you can get there by clicking today's title. Just thought some of you would be interested in that as well.

I leave for camp today and return long enough to shower, preach, pack, and maybe sleep before I fly out to Colorado for the next big trip of the summer, a mission trip with the Kingwood kids. I'll try to post a lot in August!

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