I led an adult retreat this weekend and the last morning we did some journaling and reflecting on the story of Zacchaeus the tax collector. If you've nevr read it, check out Luke 19:1-10. While we reflected I just started writing and thought what I wrote might be of interest and value to whomever finds the blog today or in future days.

The Cheap Seat
By J.D. Rose
November 11, 2007
Ran ahead, Zacchaeus did
because sometimes you've got to beat the crowd to the arena, be the first one in line, sleep on the sidewalk for two weeks to be admitted to the concert. The official fanclub and groupies are coming in with the act and the VIP's will surely find their place close to the stage. But you; a bottom feeder, despised, hated, reviled - no one's saving a seat for the likes of you.
And let's admit it! You're not that impressive. You're not the biggest and baddest, the best or the brightest, tall in stature or great in contribution. The dirt and rocks have a greater purpose. The trees above at least can shade and be climbed by children in summer. The trees! The Sycamore in the town square; you could climb it and wait for his coming. You could perch there and wait and see. Run ahead Zacchaeus to claim your spot. Run ahead and find your place. Look up! Look up!
Then just maybe he'll look up and offer you a first row seat. Maybe he's not like all the others. Maybe he's not here for the VIP's after all, but the people like you who just want to see and hear and have a place.
And if confronted with the truth you suspect he might be bringing...
If you see boundless love...
If forgiveness is for you, for sinners, for sinners even like you...
none of the rest of it will matter.
Give it away.
Give it all away - your money, your possessions, your job, your title, your place, your life as you know it, your life forever. Give it away. Give it all away!
He's calling your name even now.
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