Nov 1, 2007

A working class hero is something to be!

This title is a lyric from John Lennon's song Working Class Hero most recently covered well by Greenday. Click the title to see their solid powerful video with it and try not to creep all out when Lennon sings the last two lines!

I thought I'd get it out of my system without a post. But I just found this and it is really good. I am kind of a realist when it comes to sports. I root for my teams and get excited when they win, especially the big games, but often I am the rare exception of a serious fan who harbors no delusions. But when it comes to #4 things are a little different; he warrants it. That is why this year has been so much fun for me in the NFL. While most of my friends are consumed with who wins Superbowl XXXXI 1/2 Sunday between the two best quarterbacks playing right now. One of the best of all time is giving his faithful fans a season to remember. These clips both come from this week's Monday Night Football.

And what did the old man have left in him when the game went into overtime?

Legends write their own stories!

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