Apr 22, 2006

But where were they going without ever knowing the way?

This title/lyric comes from Fastball, a band that had two awesome songs and then faded from the planet shrewdly awaiting their turn to find a new band member on some unbearable reality show and mount their comeback. The song was called The Way, which is too good a title for the song, and the song is pretty good. Bible scholars know what I'm saying. Check out the band, which apparently still exists, by clicking the title and check out The Way, which still exists in some place, at a church near you.

This morning the church I am serving, First Reformed Church of Bluffton, is having a Visioning Session per my suggestion trying to determine the direction the future will take at this church. From the feedback recieved at this meeting I am going to begin my campaign to replace myself. (With two people I might add; a Youth Pastor and a Children's Pastor)

This could be the begiining for this church of an amazing future and I would be proud to help them turn the ship in this new direction, any direction they choose it turns out. I guess, as I sit here in the waning hours of Friday I am both excited and worried, hopeful and resigned, looking to their future with excitement but conscious it is not mine, and even more excited about mine. I have news on that front by the way, but want things to be official as to not jinx them.

I have my monthly award to present. I was going to try to do that today, but then I struggled to find anyone to give it to. Trust me, I simply had a merciful streak. It will pass and soon I will post that blog as well.

For now I could use all the prayers, positive thought, good will, good juju, and pleasant mojo available. Please aim it at 301 West Cherry Street, that they may begin again and I may be able to take what I've built and give it to another gifted minister to build upon. This isn't a selfless request. I want my work to continue to matter long after I am gone. I hope I do that with the best intentions, even though my ego is immense. This quote has me motivated as I look to today.

“If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.”
Buddhist Proverb quotes

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