Oct 12, 2007

There's more love somewhere. And there's more peace somewhere. I ain't gonna rest until I find it. There's a bright side somewhere.

The title/lyric comes from There's a Bright Side Somewhere by Ry Cooder off of his beautiful (if a bit odd) album My Name is Buddy, a concept album about the friendship between a cat and mouse. I find this song to be a hopeful one at the end of a long week.

In a few places this week I have found some hopeful thoughts from other folks. I am preaching this Sunday, so I've needed the encouragement of fellow believers (in the broadest sense). Here are my two favorites.

Last week was World Communion Sunday and I found this and made a slide of it for our worship design. I dig this message and like that it's on a globe.

The second thing I found was this quote. I hope it moves you like it did me. I hope your week winds down in a blessed way and your weekend is restful or fun.

"There is in each of us, no matter how humble, a capacity for love. Even if our lives have not taken the course we had envisioned, even if we are less than the shape of our dreams, we are part of the human family. Somewhere, in the most inconsequential corners of our lives, is the opportunity for love.

If I am blind, I can run my hand across the back of a shell and celebrate beauty. If I have no legs, I can sit in quiet wonder before the restless murmurs of the sea. If I am wounded in spirit, I can reach out my hand to those who are hurting. If I am lonely, I can go among those who are desperate for love. There is no tragedy or injustice so great, no life so small and inconsequential, that we cannot bear witness to the light in the quiet acts and hidden moments of our days.

And who can say which of these acts and moments will make a difference? The universe is a vast and magical membrane of meaning, stretching across time and space, and it is not given to us to know her secrets and her ways. Perhaps we were placed here to meet the challenge of a single moment; perhaps the touch we give will cause the touch that will change the world."



Oct 11, 2007

Hey ho how ya doin, where ya been? Prolly doin ho stuff cuz there you ho again!

This title is a lyric from the hilarious song by (my secret favorite rapper) Ludacris' song Ho. Clicking the title will take you see the also very funny video he made with it. Warning-Not for use in Bible Study, even when telling the story of Rahab.

This sign wasn't on a church, but on the outskirts of both ends of a town. I saw it when driving a van load of kids to a leadership church camp this summer. I pulled over so one of them could take this pic.

All the same, here's

What kind of festival could this possibly be?

And do they have one in Summer, Fall, and Winter too?

Oct 10, 2007

I don't know what it is about you that makes me wanna run and jump inside you.

The lyric comes from the subject of today's blog, a song called Tonight. Click the title to visit the website of my latest muse.

Boys and girls, it is time for another installment of a Thorns series.
Today I present...

Ofcourse it's a musician, a 24 year old British one whom I am falling madly for just hearing, let alone seeing, sing. Here is a group of Miss Walsh's videos. First a live performance caught on tape.

If that doesn't turn your crank then here is a music video she shot for her song Don't Break My Heart

If you only watch one of these, make it this one!!!
Here she is with her song Your Song, which highlights the beauty of both the singer and the work. Of this song on her bio it suggests that if you aren't moved on it, you may need to "check your pulse". I agree...

What else should I say. I am ofen smitten by talented musicians. And that I find her music and videotaped person so warm only makes it that much easier to admit Kate Walsh is

Oct 8, 2007

One thing's for certain when it comes my time; I'll leave this world with a satisfied mind.

The title today is a lyric from one of my prophets, Johnny Cash. Click the title to visit a cool fan site devoted to The Man In Black, gone now 4 years.

This post is simply my request for prayers for kids I am working with in Kingwood. They are resisting the journey and taking baby baby steps, but I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Please send us some positive thoughts and/or prayers. It is time we took the next step(s).

Here's me giving the morning watch devotion at camp, just after we'd taken the camp pic. Looks like I slayed them all! There are moments when I do feel like I am figthing a battle against these kids. Again, please think of us for a moment today...

"Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody." -Henry Wordsworth Longfellow