Apr 28, 2007

God put a smile on your face.

This lyric is from a Coldplay song, in fact it is the title of it, but I thought I would link something I thought was funny. If the video doesn't show up in this blog, if you haven't already seen it, you have got to click the title and go see the latest glimpse of Alanis Morisette's genius!

A few months ago some of the Bluffton kids assigned me some poetry writing for a project they were working on. This one was my attempt at writing a poem about laughing. I would give myself a C plus. Kinda choppy, and no profound phrase.

But, hey, it might be good for a laugh.

Storing Joy
By J.D. Rose

A sentence is uttered
that is both truthful and transcendent of life’s
empty repetition. I hear it
and cannot choose to ignore it nor fail to respond.
The day stops, as I shake
off a thousand minutes of sadness with a single burst
of joy, like machine gun fire
knocking down my gathered friends
as the echo sounds our shared delight.
The heart beats wildly, loudly, as it pounds
fresh blood into thin veins and my vision blurs
in the midst of my pleasure,
air finding its way to my lungs and vessels in only trace amounts,
as my reaction to what has taken place manifests itself
physically by sound and exhalation out my mouth in repetitive blasts.
My eyes shrink to slits through grinning flesh,
my teeth, parallel but not touching, sandwich the black
of my open mouth and release the uvalations of my happiness
as I look like I’m smiling but about to speak and only nonsense is uttered.
Were no one here the moment would have passed quickly;
a small burst of joy, then return to calm.
But in this room with ones so loved,
so versed in my follies, there is much to make each of us humble
and joyful for endless moments. This has been but one.
Heart slowing, brow cooling, tear ducts drying, normalcy returning to my face
the moment has gone, but the aftershock will reverberate through my every smile
for days to come.

1 comment:

2L said...


I'm so glad that you are writing again, I'm looking forward to your new posts. Miss ya big guy!
