Feb 18, 2006

And it's simply irrational weather. I can't even hear myself think.

The title/lyric today comes from the latest member of the potential future wife list KT Tunstall, the sexy scottish lady I've been listening to a lot lately. These lyrics come from her song Under The Weather and seemed appropriate. Clicking the title will take you to Yahoo's videos for KT, and they are all great!

I'm in Wisconsin this weekend, visiting a friend, preaching at his church, and as it turned out seeing a Christian concert-Seventh Day Slumber and Superchick. That's right, Superchick.

Anyway, even though I was strongly advised not to come by my hetero life mate Jace I am here.

And it is 20 below!

Do you know what happens to your body at this temperature? The hair inside your nose and ears freezes! The little hairs INSIDE freeze. They say that if you are out in this weather for fifteen minutes your skin freezes and you get frostbitten. As Jace says, "You have to be F--king crazy to want to live in Wisconsin!"

I am told we are going out today for lunch...but I don't believe it. My toothbrush remains in my car, because I refused to walk the twenty feet required to my car to get it this morning. For now we have heat, electricity, and somehow running water. But I've never seen this kind of cold.

In the event that this civilization gets lost and years later they find me frozen in this position typing a blog or this blog like Pompei I just wanted to say that at least I got to see Superchick before I died!

Remember, "some princes are frogs" girls.

I should be back in an environment where our species can sustain life soon. Real excited about preaching tommorrow and will probably take my time getting home Sunday and Monday. Hope everyone is enjying a frostbite free weekend.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Its 5 below in good ol' evansville right now, and I thought I was cold.
I can't imagine 20 below.
I hope you don't freeze.