Feb 16, 2006

I always knew that one day they'd try to bring me down.

I am using a lyric that uses similar words to the sign, by an artist that could stand to heed the sign's advice. I think Kanye West is a real talent, but his mouth always pops off and that detracts from his music. This lyric comes from his song Bring Me Down off his second album Late Registraion. Clicking the title will take you to Kanye's website and I highly recommend both of his albums.

Today's sign falls into the perverted category, and if you're perverted you didn't need me to tell you that.


Today's sign is dedicated to my good friend Steve Mann, who upon getting a preview of this sign almost wet himself.

Stay tuned for more (thought?) provoking words of wisdom from The Church.

1 comment:

2L said...

So funny...and so true!